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Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Test

     The book I just finished reading was called The test from the Bluford high series. It was about this girl who went back to her high school to tell kids about her teenage pregnancy experience how it happened And all that. It was actually a really good and interesting book. One thing I noticed in the book was there was a really big social issue of teenage kids getting pregnant and the father not wanting to be apart of it.
    One example I saw of that social issue was that the guy never talked to her or called her he just used her for unprotected sex. Then once she told him that he got pregnant he promised to call and to try and help but then after about a week he avoided her and never called or even texted her. I think that this happens a lot in the real world because when teenagers have kids they don't want it to ruin there life so they try and run from it. It's always the boy though because the girl is pregnant so she really does have to deal with it.
    Another social issue I noticed was running away from home and daddy issues. The father of the pregnant teen was never really apart of her life, so when she got pregnant her mom and her got in a huge fight and she tried to run away. The first place she tried to run to was her fathers house. He said she could spend the night but she over heard on the phone him telling her mom that he didn't want her there and that she needed her to go home. It was really mean and showed how some dads really don't wanna get involved no matter what.
    Overall I thought it was a really good book and there were a bunch of social issues. I thought it was good however that the girl was trying to tell these kids to not make the same mistake she did. This book reminded me of the show Degrassi because the same thing happens and the father refuses to help to not ruin his social life. It's a really big issue and really messed up.

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