The main character in my books name is miles and right now he has a lot of conflicts going on for one he just cost a game winning touchdown to end there winning streak and also his best friend is now taking steriods and he doesnt want to shoot with him because his dad has always told him not to. so right now he is stuck between doing the right thing and keeping his best friend. But in my opinion if your best friend will only be your friend if you take steroids with him then hes really not a good friend at all.
There is also this girl he likes and wants to ask out to the dance but he doesn't really know how to talk to her and he is really nervous to ask her out to the dance because he doesn't ask girls out alot.
Also in the story right now his dad is puting a lot of pressure to be a good football player cause he used to be one when he was in college and he wants his son to be more successful then him. In my opinion its really unfair how he puts so much pressure on his son and he doesn't really appreciate his son enough in my oppinion.
Good job luke! I only wish you made it longer because it was very interesting.