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Monday, April 30, 2012

I hunt Killers April 27th

     I just finished my book "I hunt killers". It was such an amazing book from the start. It hooked me from the start because the very first scene if the setting of a murder and the serial killers son is scopping out the crime scene trying to figure out whats going on and how the murder was done. It got my attention right away because its such an interesting way to start. The author in this book does such a good job of getting the reader really into the book and get attached to the characters very easily. He got me very attached to not only the main character but to a a lot of secondary characters as well. He made every character in the book feel like a main character when you are reading it, He also does an amazing job of showing inside thoughts of the main character about his thoughts of murder and his father who was a notorious serial killer. The author tries to show that the kid can try and do the opposite of what his father did and tried to grow his son up to do as well.     
      The author also does a great job of showing how the chief of police believes in the serial killers son even though his dad was a killer he believes the son can grow up to be different. When the 2nd string of murders was commited a lot of people thought it was the son because it was in the same pattern his father did it and they thought he was trying to follow after him. Also the son knew everything about the murder before the public found out so all fingers were pointed at him. The chief however says to the kid that he believes it wasnt him and that he was going down a different road then his father did. The chief was one of the only people in the book who believes in him and the author does a great job of showing that.     
     Overall I hunt killers was a very good book and I think if you like books that get you really attached to the characters and the overall story. You would love this book because of how well written it was and how strong all of the characters are.